Youth Voices Matter: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young People in Armenia

The following article is an excerpt from our latest printed Ecosprinter titled Reclaim Your Rights! – The Social Issue. We decided to bring you the articles from this edition in a digital form as well.

by Lusine Kosakyan

To date, young people are among the most affected right holders both in Armenia and worldwide by persisting inequalities, particularly regarding their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). In Armenia, insufficient statistical data and the absence of a strategy and national plan make it difficult to evaluate the situation of the youth’s reproductive rights. SRHR play a key role in the realization of other human rights and hold a cross-cutting centrality in achieving social jus-tice and sustainable development. Women* and girls’ empowerment is on the line.

* Article 5 of RA Law on Reproductive Health and Repro-ductive Rights refers to the adolescents’ rights to acquire sexuality education. Article 5.2 of the same law states: “Ado-lescent sexual education in secondary schools and in other educational institutions should be carried out by profession-ally trained persons in close cooperation with families, health services, non-governmental organizations, and the public”.  

In the followingarticle, I will discuss young people’s SRHR issues by focusing on 1) theright to access appropriatesexuality-related education; 2) youngpeople’s participation in decision-making processes.

Teenagers have aright to sex education under the Lawon Education of Armenia*.However, there are gaps thatneed to be fulfilled, such as education of health (physical activity,healthy nutrition, psychologicalhealth, etc.), education of sexuality (sexualidentity and orientation, tolerance, the preventionof risk sexual behaviour, contraception, etc.)and preparation for family (methods of planning, marriage, genderequality, pregnancy, needs ofinfant, etc.). Despite the number of hours devoted to sexual education**,it does not properly cover allaspects of SRHR issues.

** See, ‘Biology’ 8th grade, ‘Healthy lifestyle’ incorporated in the Physical education subject, ‘Safe activities’ included in ‘Preliminary Preparedness’ subject 

In the Armeniancontext, sexuality is presented asa negative concept and sexual activities are associatedwith guilt, fear, and disease especially forunmarried women and girls. Disappointingly, womenare not free to make decisions in regard totheir bodies and private lives. The word “sex” is constantly being avoided especially in theschool context, which isinherited from the Soviet past. Asa result, young people and adolescents are deniedtheir rights to health and development, education,safety, privacy, and bodily autonomy, amongbeing the target of other human rights violations.

In order to fillthe gap, many awareness-raising projects are carried out by local NGOs all overthe country.  Yet,  the organizations  providing  sexual education training or openly speaking about sexuality  issues are  often  discredited or  accused  of spreading immorality and destroying our “nation-al”  values and  norms.  The recent attack of pseudo-activists againsta children’s book on sexuality, developed by a local women’s rightsorganization, got wild.  Though  it gained  the  attention of  the  government and policy makers, theorganization was accused of spreading child porn, and the case is  at  the  time of  writing  in the  prosecution  pro-cess. These kinds of aggressions weakenthe local feminist  organizations  and discourage  any  kind of  intervention  aimed at  an  integrated approach  to sexual education.

Young  people’s voices  must  be heard:  generally,  young people  are  represented invisible  at  the policy  level  in both  national  and international  contexts.  Whenever taken  into  account, they  are  mostly treated  as  a homogenous  group,  ignoring their  diversity  in  terms  of age,  gender,  socioeconomic background, civil status,whether they are living with HIV, and whether they are in or out of school,among other issues. As a result, minority groups of young people are renderedmore invisible and vulnerable than others. Thus, sometimes legal   and  social   projects   fail  to   acknowledge   young people’s specific needs, including theirSRHR.

Young peopleseek to take more control over their lives so  that  they can  make  important life  decisions  on their  own.  Communities need  to  create an  enabling  environment for  meaningful  youth participation  in  the planning,  implementation,  monitoring and  evaluation  of policies  and  projects that affect their lives, at alllevels and across all sectors.

Youth  voices  and  priorities  must  be  treated  as  central: young people have repeatedly shown the willingness, commitment and capacity to be at the table and participate in policy-making processes, to  develop  and  implement  sustainable  policies  and  programmes  that  truly  promote  young  people’s  health,  rights,  and  wellbeing,  youth  voices  and priorities as milestones. Realizing  health,  demographic,  social,  state  and  strategic  importance  for  the  country,  as  well  as  the  creation  of  a  plan  aimed  at  improvement  of  reproductive health and rights of young people is extremely important now in Armenia.

Lusine Kosakyan is a young dynamic human rights advocate from Armenia. She is a co-founder of Frontline Youth Network aimed at connecting and empowering rural youth. Lusine is passionate about peacebuilding, especially with the focus on its relations to gender, as well as feminism, particularly gender education and violence against women.


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